Lowell Fulson

Nom de naissance

Lowell Fulson


21 Mars 1921, United States of America


Remarqué pour son jeu brut et distinct, Lowell Fulson est considéré comme l'un des plus grands auteurs-compositeurs-interprètes de la musique blues, avec de nombreux enregistrements à son actif et des chansons reprises par des artistes tels qu'Elvis Presley, Eric Clapton, Otis Redding et Ray Charles. Sa chanson "Reconsider Baby" a été récompensée par le Blues Foundation Hall of Fame et le Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, et son album "Them Update Blues", sorti en 1995, a été nominé pour le Grammy Award du meilleur album de blues traditionnel.

Né dans l'Oklahoma, d'origine amérindienne, il joue dans des groupes locaux pendant son adolescence et, après avoir fait son service militaire pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il s'installe à Los Angeles. Au début des années 1950, il a formé un groupe avec le jeune Ray Charles et son futur saxophoniste David "Fathead" Newman, avant de poursuivre sa carrière en solo. Il a enregistré de nombreux albums au fil des ans, dont "Blues Came Rollin' In" (1965), "San Francisco Blues" (1969), "The Ol' Blues Singer" (1975), "Man On the Run" (1980), "The Blues Got Me Down" (1985), "Back Home Blues" (1991) et "Baby Won't You Jump With Me" (1999).

Il a sorti de nombreux singles, dont "Black Nights", qui a atteint la onzième place du Billboard Hot R&B, "Tramp", qui a atteint la cinquième place (et a été repris plus tard par Otis Redding), et "Make a Little Love", qui s'est classé à la 20e place. Il a également interprété une version de la chanson des Beatles "Why Don't We Do It in the Road", que Ridley Scott a incluse dans la bande originale de son film "American Gangster", sorti en 2007. Elvis Presley a inclus la chanson de Fulson "Reconsider Baby" sur son album de 1960 "Elvis Is Back" et Eric Clapton l'a reprise, ainsi que "Sinner's Prayer", sur l'album "From the Cradle" (1994).

Fulton est mort à l'âge de 77 ans d'une pneumonie et d'une insuffisance rénale en 1999. Dans sa nécrologie, le Los Angeles Times cite l'historien de la musique Billy Vera, qui note que l'artiste a "toujours réussi à rester contemporain sans se complaire" et affirme que "son style n'était pas poli, mais il était très direct dans son chant, son écriture et son jeu"

Noted for his rough and distinct form of playing, Lowell Fulson is regarded as one of the foremost singer-songwriters of blues music with many recordings to his credit and songs that were covered by artists including Elvis Presley, Eric Clapton, Otis Redding and Ray Charles. His song 'Reconsider Baby' was honoured by the Blues Foundation Hall of Fame and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and his 1995 release 'Them Update Blues' was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Traditional Blues Album.

Born in Oklahoma of Native American heritage, he played in local bands as a teenager and following World War II military service, he moved to Los Angeles. He formed a band with up-and-comer Ray Charles and his future saxophone sideman David 'Fathead' Newman in the early 1950s and then pursued a solo career. He made many albums over the years including 'Blues Came Rollin' In' (1965), 'San Francisco Blues' (1969), 'The Ol' Blues Singer' (1975), 'Man On the Run' (1980), 'The Blues Got Me Down' (1985), 'Back Home Blues' (1991), and 'Baby Won't You Jump With Me' (1999).

He released many singles including 'Black Nights' which reached number eleven on the Billboard Hot R&B chart, 'Tramp', which made it to number five (and was later covered by Otis Redding), and 'Make a Little Love', which peaked at number 20. He also did a version of The Beatles' song 'Why Don't We Do It in the Road', which Ridley Scott included on the soundtrack of his 2007 film 'American Gangster'. Elvis Presley included Fulson's song 'Reconsider Baby' on his 1960 album 'Elvis Is Back' and Eric Clapton covered it, along with 'Sinner's Prayer', on 'From the Cradle' (1994).

Fulton died aged 77 of pneumonia and kidney failure in 1999. In its obituary, the Los Angeles Times quoted music historian Billy Vera, who noted that the artist had "always managed to stay contemporary without pandering" and said "his style was not polished, but he was very direct in his singing, writing and playing."

Artist biography compiled by BDS/West 10. All rights reserved